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Country Opinions

Give us your opinions and get paid for it!
Wouldn’t you like to be able to tell International Companies, Political Parties, Government Departments and similar organisations your thoughts on how they should develop new products and policies and get paid for doing so?
Well Country Opinions gives you the opportunity to do so!
We are specialists in organising Country residents of NSW, Queensland and the ACT to attend market research focus group forums which are held in your locality and where you could help some of the major organisations in Australia by giving them your opinions on how they operate and the products they make.
The thoughts and opinions of Australian Country people are immensely important – so important that the major companies and organisations of Australia will pay you a cash incentive - usually between $60 and $100 for attending a group forum for 2 or 3 hours and letting them know your opinions.     
It’s great to be rewarded for sharing your opinions but that’s only part of the story, by participating in a Focus Group you gain some really satisfying benefits, such as:

  • It’s interesting and great fun – you’ll meet new people and will frequently be asked for opinions about things you would otherwise never know about.

  • It’s really constructive – you could be responsible for a very important inclusion of something in a new product such as a car, a new social service or a new community benefit.

  • It’s helpful and rewarding – everybody has opinions which they feel would be useful to the community, but how often do you get the chance for these to be heard? This is your opportunity to be heard!

Sounds great doesn’t it, but what’s the catch? Will you be endlessly pestered by sales people and will your security and privacy be endangered? No! Such actions are totally illegal. (please refer to our privacy statement).
So you would like to share your opinions with us! Well simply click on the register button above and give us a little information about yourself .
When you have registered you may think of a friend who you think would like to give us a piece of their mind, please feel free to send them a link to Country Opinions by clicking on the tell a friend button.

Thanks for taking the time to visit Country Opinions, we are confident you will find the experience rewarding. 

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